Launched in the midst of the 2020 coronavirus pandemic, the In It Together Maine campaign provides supports to help parents navigate parenting during the uncertainties of this difficult time by connecting parents with local parenting resources the Prevention Councils provide, as well as fostering social connections. Beyond the span of the pandemic, the campaign hopes to make a lasting effect in the way that Maine families consider the resources available to them, and to cultivate a community of parents that stay in touch and support each other long after the retreat of the virus. The campaign is comprised of a TV commercial, radio ads, social media campaign, and local promotional efforts by Prevention Councils, as well as an online map of resources.

To achieve these goals, the campaign has four specific objectives:

  • Change parental attitudes around reaching out for help
  • Promote the free services of Prevention Councils as a parenting resource for all parents
  • Normalize the idea that parenting is hard
  • Provide supports to families during a difficult time

To learn more, visit the campaign page here.