Partners in Prevention

Take Action During Child Abuse Prevention Month - Join us as a Partner in Prevention!

Raising awareness is a critical and foundational step in preventing child abuse and neglect. Child Abuse Prevention Month is our opportunity to build support for what we know must happen year round: supporting parents and caregivers and building the relationships and connections in communities so that families can readily access what they need to help every child. We all play a pivotal part of preventing child abuse and neglect. Individuals, organizations, and communities – it takes all of us working together to build well-being for all children and families. We all want to live in a community where families thrive and we know that takes each of us.

Partners in Prevention is a statewide public awareness effort led by Maine Children's Trust. This effort supports statewide level organizations, associations, and businesses to use our collective voice to amplify our message in support of April as Child Abuse Prevention Month. This year's message is: By Supporting Maine Families, We Keep Children Safe. We are proud to stand with so many statewide organizations across Maine in this important effort. Join us! See below for this year's Partner In Prevention benefits and to sign up. For questions, please email us at

Thank you to the 30 statewide organizations, businesses, and associations for joining Maine Children's Trust's 30th Anniversary this April for Child Abuse Prevention Month.

•Adoptive & Foster Families of Maine, Inc & The Kinship Program
•Alfond Scholarship Foundation
•Count ME In
•Cross Cultural Community Services
•Daniel Hanley Center for Health Leadership
•Department of Public Safety
•Fight Crime: Invest In Kids Maine
•GEAR Parent Network
•Kennebec Savings Bank
•Maine Association for the Education of Young Children
•Maine Association of Nonprofits
•Maine Bankers Association
•Maine Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics
•Maine Chapter, National Social Workers Association
•Maine Chiefs of Police Association
•Maine Children's Alliance
•Maine Children's Home
•Maine Coalition to End Domestic Violence
•Maine Council of Churches
•Maine Medical Association
•Maine Osteopathic Association
•Maine Parent Federation
•Maine Primary Care Association
•Maine Resilience Building Network
•Maine State Library
•Maine State Parent Ambassadors
•NAMI Maine


Kennebec Savings Bank


Maine State Troopers Foundation DrummondWoodsum - Attorneys at Law SoltanBass LLC - Attorneys at Law