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Search Results
Dates and times subject to change. Contact your local Council to confirm the event details.Active Parenting- Active Parenting 4th Edition (ages 5-12)
Council: Healthy Kids (Lincoln)
Start Date: 1/9/2024 End Date: 10/18/2024
Day(s) of the Week:
Audience: For individuals interested in participating in the Active Parenting course for ages 5-12, either in person or on Zoom.
In Person or Virtual: Hybrid
Registration Required: Yes
Link to Register: https://www.healthykidsmaine.org/classsignup
Contact: Charlene Corbett Phone: 207-563-1818
Website: http://www.healthykidsmaine.org
123 Magic
Council: Healthy Kids (Lincoln)
Start Date: 1/25/2024 End Date: 10/18/2024
Day(s) of the Week:
Audience: For individuals interested in the Magic 123 program.
In Person or Virtual: Hybrid
Registration Required: Yes
Link to Register: https://www.healthykidsmaine.org/classsignup
Contact: Charlene Corbett Phone: 207-563-1818
Website: http://www.healthykidsmaine.org
Nurturing Parenting: Fathers
Council: Healthy Kids (Lincoln)
Start Date: 1/30/2024 End Date: 10/18/2024
Day(s) of the Week:
Audience: Fathers or individuals in a fathering role who are interested in participating in the Nurturing Fathers Program either in person or on Zoom.
In Person or Virtual: Hybrid
Registration Required: Yes
Link to Register: https://www.healthykidsmaine.org/classsignup
Contact: Charlene Corbett Phone: 207-563-1818
Website: http://www.healthykidsmaine.org
Nurturing Parenting: Community-Based Education
Council: Kids Free to Grow (Cumberland)
Start Date: 9/17/2024 End Date: 12/10/2024
Day(s) of the Week: Every Tuesday
Time: 10:00-11:00am
Audience: Parents/caregivers of children
In Person or Virtual: Zoom
Registration Required: Yes
Link to Register: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd66tUgjGurAz-fr9mZiidzN4k_QAZOE10_UWYNYSVKqpDx4A/viewform?usp=sf_link
Additional Information: Please fill out our registration form to enroll in classes. This is a rolling admissions style class so participants can join in on any Tuesday. Once 8 classes are completed, a certificate will be provided. Please email Sabrina at sabrinas@kidsfreetogrow.org with any other questions.
Contact: Genevieve Gardner Phone: 207-854-1030
Website: http://www.kidsfreetogrow.org
Nurturing Parenting: Fathers
Council: Sunrise Opportunities (Hancock)
Start Date: 9/20/2024 End Date: 11/1/2024
Day(s) of the Week: Every Friday at 9am for 13 weeks
Time: 9am
In Person or Virtual: Zoom
Registration Required: Yes
Link to Register: http://www.sopreventioncouncil.com
Additional Information: This program is for any male parenting a child. The series focuses on the value of male role models in a child's life. We explore topics including the roots of fathering, nurturing children and self, positive discipline methods, managing emotions, resolving conflict, teamwork with a partner, balancing work and fathering, and more. Classes held on ZOOM This class is FREE and open to all! For more information or to register please contact Monica Olivares at 255-8273 or molivares@sun-rise.org
Contact: Monica Olivares Phone: (207) 255-8273
Website: www.sopreventioncouncil.com
Nurturing Parenting: Community-Based Education
Council: Midcoast Maine Community Action Program (Sagadahoc)
Start Date: 9/24/2024 End Date: 11/19/2024
Day(s) of the Week: Tuesdays
Time: 10:00- NOON
Audience: Parents and caregivers with children 0-17 years old
In Person or Virtual: Zoom
Registration Required: Yes
Link to Register: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAlc-uvpjwuH9OdNnw5MhG8A2KUgwMmdLO0
Additional Information: This is an open series of 10 enrichment classes. Attend as many as you want or can. Increase positive nurturing skills and behaviors to strengthen your family’s communication. Topics include: ages and stages of development, enhancing brain development, dealing with feelings, developing self-worth, praise and encouragement, communicating with respect, family values and rules, and nurturing discipline techniques. And the end result- you’ll have more fun together!
Contact: Dawn Flagg Phone: 207-442-7963 x230
Website: http://www.midcoastmainecommunityaction.org
Active Parenting- Active Parenting 4th Edition (ages 5-12)
Council: Midcoast Maine Community Action Program (Sagadahoc)
Start Date: 10/2/2024 End Date: 10/30/2024
Day(s) of the Week: Wednesdays
Time: 5:30-7:30PM
Audience: Parents and caregivers with children aged 5-12
In Person or Virtual: Zoom
Registration Required: Yes
Link to Register: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZItcO-trzksG9cHvfXbggNj5Z_uWReRAftU
Additional Information: Active parenting will give you the skills to achieve a fuller, more satisfying family life, and to help your children achieve greater happiness and success. This workshop is geared toward parents and caregivers with children 5-12 year olds and will show you effective ways to: Use positive discipline that works Open up lines of communication Defuse power struggles with your children Build closer relationships through family fun
Contact: Dawn Flagg Phone: 207-442-7963 x230
Website: http://www.midcoastmainecommunityaction.org
Nurturing Parenting: Fathers
Council: Penquis (Penobscot)
Start Date: 10/2/2024 End Date: 12/25/2024
Day(s) of the Week: Wednesdays
Time: 5:00 PM
In Person or Virtual: Zoom
Registration Required: Yes
Link to Register: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdVQow6tyLC_1QWg9p5G0yA0AObiGDtzlCKhnBA-FnAaDEYZA/viewform
Additional Information: Join us for a new session of our parent education class Nurturing Fathers!
Contact: Christine McMillen Phone: 207-974-2481
Website: http://www.penquis.org
Nurturing Parenting: Community-Based Education
Council: Healthy Kids (Knox)
Start Date: 10/2/2024 End Date: 12/11/2024
Day(s) of the Week: Wednesdays
Time: 5-6:30 PM
Audience: Knox County parents and caregivers
In Person or Virtual: Zoom
Registration Required: Yes
Link to Register: https://www.healthykidsmaine.org/classsignup
Additional Information: A series of 10 enrichment classes offered on a rolling basis. Join anytime and attend any/all of the classes! For parents/caregivers who would like to increase their parenting knowledge and skills to make informed, healthy parenting choices. Topics by week (no class the week of Thanksgiving): Week 1 (10/2): Philosophy of Nurturing Parenting Week 2 (10/9): Ages and Stages Week 3 (10/16): Brain Development Week 4 (10/23): Communicating with Respect Week 5 (10/30): Building Self-Worth Week 6 (11/6): Understanding Feelings Week 7 (11/13): Family Morals and Values Week 8 (11/20): Praising Children and Their Behavior Week 9 (12/4): Alternatives to Spanking Week 10 (12/11): Positive Ways to Deal with Stress
Contact: Charlene Corbett Phone: 207-563-1818
Website: http://www.healthykidsmaine.org
Nurturing Parenting: Fathers
Council: Community Concepts Inc. (Androscoggin)
Start Date: 10/4/2024 End Date: 12/20/2024
Day(s) of the Week: Fridays: October 4th, October 11th, October 18th, October 25th, November 1st, November 8th, November 15th, November 22nd, November 29th, December 6th, December 13th, and December 20th
Time: 12:00pm-2:00pm
In Person or Virtual: Zoom
Registration Required: Yes
Link to Register: https://portal.empoworbycsst.com/Public/ClientAccessForm.aspx?AccessID=94f19075-14dc-4b17-86e2-00609a1d992e
Additional Information: To register for this class, please click on the registration link and answer the questions. You will receive an email confirmation after registering. If you have any questions feel free to call Melissa Robinson at 207-240-2990, or email at parentworkshops@community-concepts.org.
Contact: Melissa Green Phone: 1207-743-7716
Website: www.ccimaine.org
Nurturing Parenting: Fathers
Council: Penquis (Piscataquis)
Start Date: 10/9/2024 End Date: 12/18/2024
Day(s) of the Week: Wednesdays
Time: 5:00-6:00PM
Audience: Fathers and male caregivers
In Person or Virtual: Zoom
Registration Required: No
Link to Register: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdVQow6tyLC_1QWg9p5G0yA0AObiGDtzlCKhnBA-FnAaDEYZA/viewform
Contact: Christine McMillen Phone: 207-974-2481
Website: http://www.penquis.org
123 Magic
Council: Community Concepts Inc. (Androscoggin)
Start Date: 10/11/2024 End Date: 10/18/2024
Day(s) of the Week: Fridays: October 11th and October 18th
Time: 10:00am-12:00pm
In Person or Virtual: Zoom
Registration Required: Yes
Link to Register: https://portal.empoworbycsst.com/Public/ClientAccessForm.aspx?AccessID=5e119280-90bc-41de-84e0-bd6500c93a36
Additional Information: To register for this class, please click on the registration link and answer the questions. You will receive an email confirmation after registering. If you have any questions feel free to call Melissa Robinson at 207-240-2990, or email at parentworkshops@community-concepts.org.
Contact: Melissa Green Phone: 1207-743-7716
Website: www.ccimaine.org
Active Parenting- Active Parenting 4th Edition (ages 5-12)
Council: Kennebec Valley Community Action Program (Somerset)
Start Date: 10/15/2024 End Date: 11/19/2024
Day(s) of the Week: Tuesdays
Time: 3:00 - 5:00pm
Audience: Parents and caregivers of children and youth ages 5 - 12
In Person or Virtual: Zoom
Registration Required: Yes
Link to Register: https://forms.gle/Kjk4F7aoXoHWLxTx9
Contact: Kristen Plummer Phone: 1-800-542-8227 ext 2520
Website: http://www.kvcap.org
Active Parenting- Active Parenting 4th Edition (ages 5-12)
Council: Community Concepts Inc. (Androscoggin)
Start Date: 10/23/2024 End Date: 12/4/2024
Day(s) of the Week: Wednesdays: October 23rd, October 30th, November 6th, November 13th, November 20th, November 27th, and December 4th
Time: 10:00am-12:00pm
In Person or Virtual: Zoom
Registration Required: Yes
Link to Register: https://portal.empoworbycsst.com/Public/ClientAccessForm.aspx?AccessID=478d0765-97f0-40d2-8267-3d0412b142f3
Additional Information: To register for this class, please click on the registration link and answer the questions. You will receive an email confirmation after registering. If you have any questions feel free to call Melissa Robinson at 207-240-2990, or email at parentworkshops@community-concepts.org.
Contact: Melissa Green Phone: 1207-743-7716
Website: www.ccimaine.org
123 Magic
Council: Aroostook Council for Healthy Families (Aroostook)
Start Date: 11/6/2024 End Date: 11/13/2024
Day(s) of the Week: Wednesdays, November 6th and November 13th. Snowdate of November 20th.
Time: 4:30pm-6:30pm
Town: Fort Kent
Audience: Parents and other caregivers who would like to learn a technique for managing challenging behaviors in children ages 2-12 years.
In Person or Virtual: Hybrid
Registration Required: Yes
Link to Register: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdRtpnM8qk-HRxwuM-TKBiG5gG5aFGbb7M3Kez2PlcS5AjCOg/viewform?usp=sf_link
Contact: Danielle Langley Phone: 207-538-5674
Website: https://sites.google.com/achf-me.org/wwwachf-meorg
123 Magic
Council: Community Concepts Inc. (Androscoggin)
Start Date: 12/2/2024 End Date: 12/9/2024
Day(s) of the Week: Mondays: December 2nd and Dec 9th
Time: 12:00pm-2:00pm
In Person or Virtual: Zoom
Registration Required: Yes
Link to Register: https://portal.empoworbycsst.com/Public/ClientAccessForm.aspx?AccessID=0283c7af-8f38-4766-9955-8a33455d76dc
Additional Information: To register for this class, please click on the registration link and answer the questions. You will receive an email confirmation after registering. If you have any questions feel free to call Melissa Robinson at 207-240-2990, or email at parentworkshops@community-concepts.org.
Contact: Melissa Green Phone: 1207-743-7716
Website: www.ccimaine.org